شارع عبد المقصود خوجة
جدة - الروضة

00966-12-6982222 - تحويلة 250
00966-12-6984444 - فاكس

مكتبة الاثنينية

This research is intended to throw light on the intellectual and literary life of Medina during a very important period in Arabian Peninsular history: the twelfth/eighteenth century. It is in two parts. The first part deals with the literature of Medina in general and contains five chapters and a conclusion. Normal
The first chapter describes the political background of Medina in the twelfth/eighteenth century according to literary sources. The discussion ranges over the decline of the Ottoman Empire and its effects on the Arab provinces, the omportance of the holy cities and some cases of their internal disorders, and the Ottoman authority as seen in the works of Medinan poets during the twelfth-fourteenth/eighteenth-nineteenth centuries. The conflicting attitudes of some poets toward well-known figures among the Ashrāf, the authority of the Shaykh al-Haram, and the behaviour of the Mashāyikh-al-Haram and their allies are also touched upon.
The second chapter examines poetical works as a sources for the social history of Medina during the twelfth/eighteenth century.
Through these we are able to view the structure of medinan society with the relationships between various elements, the description of the Bedouin and their disturbances, the Harb tribe and their revolt against the Turkish government, the religious character of society, and reactions toward the reform movement of Shaykh Muhammad ibn cAbd al-Wahhāb in the Arabian Peninsula.
The third chapter examines the sources for the intellectual life of Medina in the twelfth/eighteenth century. We discuss the intellectual life of the central Arab lands in general and the sources of education in Medina in mosques, libraries, and other institutions.
The fourth chapter examines the literary activities of Medinan intellectuals during this period, with examples from both the eleventh/seventeenth and twelfth/eighteenth centuries.
The fifth chapter centres specifically on the productions of some particular Medinan poets of the twelfth/eighteenth century. After some general observations and particular notes on epic poetry during this period, a summary of the subjects of al-Baytī’s verse epics with an introduction to one of them as an example is given.
We also consider al-Baytī’s contributions in descriptive and satirical verse, and also Ahmad al-Jāmī’s contributions to Medinan verse in this centruy, A conclusion follows and a bibliography.
The second part of the thesis consists of the Arabic text of al-Akhbār al-Gharība, which is edited from two manuscript copies from private libraries. The text is explained by footnotes written in English.
 القراءات :517  التعليقات :0

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