شارع عبد المقصود خوجة
جدة - الروضة

00966-12-6982222 - تحويلة 250
00966-12-6984444 - فاكس

مكتبة الاثنينية

The Ottoman Authority in he Works of Medina’s Poets in the Twelfth/Eighteenth Century
The concept of the khilāfat AllĀh ("the successor of God") is reflected in some of the compositions of Medina’s poets, since it was a concept which was taken seriously by the beginning of the eighteenth century (1) . In his eulogy on the accession of Sultan Mustafā Khān (2) , Sayyid Yahyā ibn Sayyid Husayn Hāshim (3) characterized the khalīfa and his office with words like mulk (kingdom), Malīk (king), and sultān (potentate). He borrowed religious concepts to strengthen this authority and so wrote as follows:
على عرش مجد الملك حقاً قد استوى
مليك، شديد البطش، قد طاب عنصره
بسلطنة عظمى، ونصر مؤزر
وفتح مبين، قد سمى فيه مفخره
هو المصطفى السلطان مدت ظلاله
على مفرق الأكوان والسعد مؤزره
ليسمو بنار الدين كالأوج شامخاً
على عاتق الجوزاء، والسيف يشهره (4)
("On the throne of the kingdom truly sits a king whose birth is noble and whose force is powerful. His pride surveys a great dominion, supports victory, and evident conquest. He is the chosen khalīfa whose shadow spreads over the universe and whose support is good fortune. Then the banner of religion will be raised on the shouders of the Gemini in its high-exalted a pogee and manifest by the sword").
Another poet who contributed to the literary movement in Medina during this period was Ahmad al-Jāmī (5) . In one of his poems, in which he sought to expose a rival through criticism of himself and his party (since the poet’s own party were supported by firmān) (6) , the poet clearly praised Sultan CAbd al-Hamīd I (7) in a few lines, in one of which he called him zill Allāh ("the shadow of God"):
ولم يُبالِ بِحَامِ المُلْكِ حافِظِهِ
ظِلِّ الإله عَظِيمِ القَدْر والقَدَرِ (8)
("He did not [i.e. his rival poet] give any consideration to the protector of the kingdom, the shadow of God, whose value and ability is splendid").
In another line he called the Sultan tawq al-khilāfa ("the potency of the khilāfa") and sultān al-basīta ("the ruler of the earth"):
طَوْقُ الخِلاَفَةِ، سُلْطَانُ البَسِيطةِ من
هابته أسد الشَّرَى فضلاً عن البشرِ (9)
("He is the potency of the Khilāfa and the ruler of the earth, whom wild lions feared, let alone human beings").
In all this verse we find an exaggerated picture drawn by some poets of sultans whom they never saw ot met. The motivation might have been a mixture of religious feeling and some favours bestowed from time to time on certain people or groups. Alongside this, however, there is another picture, which should enable us gain a more balanced view and to approach more closely to reality.
 القراءات :287  التعليقات :0

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من اصدارات الاثنينية

محمد سعيد عبد المقصود خوجه

[صفحة في تاريخ الوطن: 2006]


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