شارع عبد المقصود خوجة
جدة - الروضة

00966-12-6982222 - تحويلة 250
00966-12-6984444 - فاكس

مكتبة الاثنينية

A series of studies were undertaken to determine urban housing needs in the Kingdom in the period 1975-80. The Kingdom's need for better urban dwellings in the Second Development Plan was set at approximately 338,000 units, of which 181,000 for urban centers. Housing units that were to be replaced due to ruin accounted for 40,000, while 117,000 sub-standard dwellings were considered for replacement.
Building of new housing units and providing of serviced plots aimed at reducing sub-standard and squatter houses. The following policies guided the implementation of housing programs for the urban poor:
- Directing the public sector activity toward establishing units for low-income people.
- Directing the public sector's policy to make home ownership possible for at least 75 percent of urban citizens.
- Providing financial subsidies for builders and households, so that no family has to spend more than 20 percent of its income in housing.
- Providing houses for people whose low-income earners passed away.
- Directing public investment towards increasing the number of low-income household.
The provision of adequate housing in accordance with Saudi Arabian cultural norms was essential in the social and economic development of the Kingdom. During the second and third development plans, vast financial resources were invested to surmount the stiff housing problem.
The Fourth Development Plan (1985 - 1990) achieved sufficiency in housing for all. But with population increasing at a high rate, and new young families seeking to live in independent houses, the ultimate goal has not been achieved yet.
- Reviewing and organizing the responsibilities of the public housing sector.
- Improving housing conditions of the low-income citizens.
- Identifying the sub-standard houses to be reconstructed.
- Unifying construction standards and building codes.
During the Fifth Development Plan (1990 - 1995) municipal development activities have been concentrating on improvement of housing conditions and application of zoning system and building regulations which contribute to raising the quality of urban housing.


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