شارع عبد المقصود خوجة
جدة - الروضة

00966-12-6982222 - تحويلة 250
00966-12-6984444 - فاكس

مكتبة الاثنينية

Select Bibliography
- Al-Ansary, A.R.: Qaryat al-Fau - A Portrait of Pre-Islamic Civilization in Saudi Arabia, London, 1982.
- Al-Ansary, A.R.: “New Light on the State of Kinda from the Antiquilies and Inscriptions of Qaryat al-Fau”, (Arabic) in Sources for the History of Arabia, Pt I.
- Al-Ansary, A.R.: Studies in the History of Arabia, Vol, I. Riyadh, 1979.
- Al-Ansary, A.R.: Pre-Islamic Arabia, Studies in the History of Arabia, Vol. II. Ruyadh, 1984.
- Abu - Duruk, H.I.: Introduction to the Archaeology of Tayma, Riyadh, 1986.
- Bibby, T.G.: Preliminary Surbey in East Arabia, 1968. Copenhagen, 1973.
- Bibby, T.G.: Looking For Dilmun, N.Y. 1969.
- Baren, R.L.: Archaeological Discoveries in South Arabia, Baltimor, 1958.
- Burkholder, G.: Ubaid sites and Pottery in Saudi Arabia, Archaeology, Vol. 25, No. 4. 1972.
- Colledge, M.A.: The Art of Palmyra, London, 1976.
- Cooke, Rev. G.A.: A Text-Book of North-Sematic Inscriptions, Oxford, 1903.
- Doe, B.: Southern Arabia, London 1971.
- Jame, A.: Sabaean and Hassaean Inscription from Saudi Arabia, Rome. 1966.
- Jame, A.: Sabaean Rock Inscription from Qaryat al-Faw, Miscellanees d'Ancient arabe, IV, Washington, 1903.
- Lapp, B.W., 1963: “Obsevations on the Potteryof Thaj”, Builetin of the American School of Oriental Research, 1963, No. 172.
- Nayeem, Mohd Abdul: Prehistory & Protohistory of the Arabian Peninsula, Vol. I. Saudi Arabia, Hyderabad, 1990.
- Potts, D.T.: The Arabian Gulf in Antiquity, two Vols., Oxford, 1990.
- Potts, D.T.: An Introduction to Saudi Arabian Antiquities, Riyadh, 1975.
- Potts. D.T.: Atlal - The Journal of Sausi Arabian Antiquities, Vol I to XIII, 1977 - 1990.
- Potts, D.T.: The Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (Hand book) Riyadh, N.D.
- Winnett, F.V.: Ancient Records from North Arabia, Toranto, 1970.
- W.L. Reed.


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