شارع عبد المقصود خوجة
جدة - الروضة

00966-12-6982222 - تحويلة 250
00966-12-6984444 - فاكس

مكتبة الاثنينية

His Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Gosaibi
May I thank you all for during be in this evening to listen to his Excellency Mr. Sarawi Must admit I have an Imperial motive in inviting you. Because I have heard this lecture from him one thousand times.
I am great believer in the saying (misery loves company) I am glad that the company is nice as it could be. But yousuf is a heavented person, almost at 70 as your host Dr. Sobaihi.
And misunderstand character people hate each other, also solved by my Colleague.
Certainly Mr. Sharawi is heavented person.
He wants to talk about the Salient because that creases him and decreases me. All of you are aware of them is chemist by trading, teachers perhaps by fate. Technocrats by slide panning, but more than that he is man who made things happened.
About six year ago the ministry of legal affairs in Bahrain there was ministry of Bahrain tried to justify the existence by trying the search of legal foundations for the existence of the companies. Operating in Bahrain. They started with Bahrain Int'l schools, universities. We are here, because of the instruction from Mr, Sharawi They went to the Airports they Said who are you to work in Bahrain. Show us the degree. We are here on the verbal instruction of Mr Sharawi. Then they went to the Airport. Because there are fifty companies operating because of the verbal instruction of Mr. Sharawi. The Legal Minister decided called him the verbal minister but I am sure I did not-involve his verb news validity.
Some committee however still be looking into the visibility of this project and probably Someone one told the years 2000 to celebrate the Millennium. So we think the gulf was lucky that the Curial period in this time. He had a person who make decisions and let others pick up the pieces and rectify the mistakes for years and years.
I have great admiration for this talent because I am told by my cabinet colleague in Saudi Arabia that they spell still considerable time trying to cope with my own. To our very eased that he is with us here tonight is a man of the great experience.
That experience span a period that is the most exciting in life of patience and I think those whose destiny have chosen wisely or otherwise at those certain times really have a story to tell, then we are asking him to tell us the story of as for information of the Gulf; one small sleepy purling towns into an area that is engaging the attention of at least the guardian of the boy must speak.
An area-that is becoming increasingly important to the world. I think we have the right man here because he has the present aspiration to Quote Mr. Achison. Not only that but he may sure he was creator of most things and think he must be the first man in history to invent something for the department of Engineer in services which meant anything with any mechanical equipment came under his direction.
The ministry was broken up into various ministries that he came up with another invention the ministry of development and glad to say has not been any where in the Arab world. In Islamic history that something called Patent man the public treasury and that is responsible for everything like some body else is responsible. So the ministry of development in Bahrain because responsible for Hotels Airports, Airlines, tennis courts. Astronomical projects as well as writing books. On the Full Flora - off course the moment use this department seemed that ministry was dismantled.


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